Watch the video

The videoclip 'Stardust' to promote the 'Jarre Acoustique' album release.


The story

My first encounter with French synthesizer pioneer Jean-Michel Jarre was back in 1978, through the ‘Equinoxe 5’ single. I was immediately intrigued with these new spacy sounds. His melodies were simple but the whole atmosphere of the work was, to me, something totally new, something I´d never heard before. I remember staring at this strange character on the sleeve staring back at me through his binoculars, while the single was playing on my record-player, over and over, back-to-back. A new admirer was born...

Read the Full Story here...


Watch the fragments

Fragments from the 'Jarre Acoustique' album, featuring rare 'Stardust' video material.


“NiMO exposes soul in the music of Jean-Michel Jarre!”

[Peter van de Berg - De Limburger]